“Thor: Ragnarok,” released in 2017, is a superhero film directed by Taika Waititi and produced by Marvel Studios. It is the third film in the Thor series and the seventeenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Cate Blanchett as Hela, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk, and Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster.
The film begins with Thor imprisoned by the fire demon Surtur, who reveals that Thor’s father, Odin, is no longer in Asgard and that Ragnarok—the prophesied destruction of Asgard—is imminent. Thor escapes, defeating Surtur and believing he has averted Ragnarok. However, upon returning to Asgard, Thor discovers Loki has been posing as Odin. They set out to find the real Odin, who is in Norway, and learn that their sister, Hela, the goddess of death, is returning to conquer Asgard.
Hela is immensely powerful and quickly defeats Thor and Loki, casting them out to the distant planet Sakaar while she takes control of Asgard. On Sakaar, Thor is captured by a scavenger named Valkyrie and sold to the Grandmaster, who forces Thor to compete in gladiatorial battles. Thor is shocked to find that one of his opponents is none other than the Hulk, who has been on Sakaar since the events of “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”
Thor teams up with Hulk, Valkyrie, and Loki to escape Sakaar and return to Asgard to stop Hela. In the epic battle that ensues, Thor realizes that the only way to save his people is to fulfill the prophecy of Ragnarok, leading to the destruction of Asgard but ensuring the survival of the Asgardian people.
“Thor: Ragnarok” is praised for its refreshing blend of action, humor, and vibrant visual style. Taika Waititi’s direction brings a unique, comedic tone to the film, setting it apart from previous entries in the Thor series. Chris Hemsworth’s performance as Thor showcases his comedic talents, while the ensemble cast, including Tessa Thompson’s fierce portrayal of Valkyrie and Cate Blanchett’s menacing Hela, adds depth and dynamism to the story.
The film’s soundtrack, featuring music by Mark Mothersbaugh and iconic tracks like Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song,” complements the film’s energetic and adventurous spirit. The visual effects, particularly in the depiction of Sakaar and the climactic battle on Asgard, are striking and inventive.
“Thor: Ragnarok” received critical acclaim for its humor, performances, and overall reinvigoration of the Thor franchise. It was a commercial success, grossing over $850 million worldwide and setting the stage for Thor’s future appearances in the MCU.
Overall, “Thor: Ragnarok” stands out as a bold and entertaining entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, combining humor, heart, and high-stakes action to deliver a memorable and enjoyable superhero adventure.