In Halloween Ends 2 (2025), the full teaser trailer brings back the terror of Michael Myers, hinting at a horrifying new chapter for the iconic slasher. The trailer opens with a chilling montage of the peaceful town of Haddonfield, now trying to heal from the devastation caused by Myers. But the calm is quickly broken by eerie whispers and the return of familiar, masked terror.
Laurie Strode, played by Jamie Lee Curtis, is seen trying to move on with her life, living quietly with her family. However, flashbacks haunt her, showing glimpses of her final confrontation with Michael from Halloween Ends. Despite believing the nightmare was over, the trailer hints that evil can never truly be defeated. Laurieβs instincts tell her something is wrong. Cut to scenes of eerie signs β ominous graffiti, unsettling disappearances, and glimpses of a dark figure lurking in the shadows.