13 Minutes (2021), directed by Lindsay Gossling in her feature film debut, is a gripping disaster movie that captures the chaos and devastation of a deadly tornado strike on a small town in the American Midwest. With a talented ensemble cast including Trace Adkins, Thora Birch, Peter Facinelli, Anne Heche, Amy Smart, and Paz Vega, the film combines thrilling disaster sequences with heartfelt human drama. Through its portrayal of ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances, 13 Minutes offers a poignant exploration of survival, community, and the power of resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.
The story revolves around the lives of several individuals who must come together to survive a catastrophic tornado that threatens to destroy their town. As the film’s title suggests, the tornado hits in a mere 13 minutes, leaving the residents with very little time to react and prepare. The film introduces a series of interconnected characters, each facing their own personal struggles while trying to protect their families and loved ones. From a young woman (played by Thora Birch) trying to reconcile with her estranged mother (Amy Smart) to a man (Trace Adkins) seeking redemption for past mistakes, the characters’ journeys unfold within the intense backdrop of the looming disaster.#film #trailer #netflix #usa #canada #australia #germany #england #spain #uk #netherland #france #switzerland #movies