is a thrilling addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, focusing on James “Rhodey” Rhodes, aka War Machine, as he faces a devastating crisis. After the technology from Tony Stark’s Iron Man suits falls into the wrong hands, it sparks a global arms race that threatens to destroy the balance of power. Rhodey, now burdened with Tony’s legacy, must go to extraordinary lengths to stop rogue factions from using Stark’s tech for destruction. The series explores Rhodey’s struggle to honor his friend’s memory while dealing with his own moral dilemmas and the dangerous consequences of unchecked technological advancement. As he battles new foes and confronts old allies, Rhodey must decide how far he is willing to go to protect the world. With high-tech action sequences, intense drama, and emotional depth, *Armor Wars* highlights themes of responsibility, legacy, and the consequences of innovation. Fans will see Rhodey step into a leadership role like never before in a fight that could change the course of the MCU.
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