The Wave (2015) is a Norwegian disaster thriller that presents a gripping story of human resilience and survival. The film is inspired by the real geological risks in Norway, where unstable sections of mountains are known to collapse into the fjords, triggering massive tsunamis.
The plot follows geologist Kristian Eikjord, who is about to leave his post at the Geiranger monitoring station to begin a new job in the city. However, just as he’s about to move, Kristian notices alarming signs of a possible rockslide that could trigger a catastrophic tsunami. Despite their warnings, disaster strikes: a massive rockfall triggers a tsunami that gives residents just ten minutes to escape before the giant wave swallows the town of Geiranger.
As the wave approaches the city, Kristian must fight against time to save his family, who are separated during the chaos. The film explores themes of family, heroism, and the unpredictability of nature, while showcasing stunning visuals and intense action sequences.
With its combination of emotional depth and spine-tingling suspense, The Wave received praise for its realistic portrayal of a natural disaster and the human spirit’s struggle to survive.