Evil Dead II (1987)
Evil Dead II is a horror-comedy film directed by Sam Raimi. The story follows Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) as he returns to a remote cabin in the woods with his…
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey is a science fiction epic directed by Stanley Kubrick. The film follows humanity’s journey from prehistoric times to the distant future, beginning with the discovery of…
The Expanse (2015)
The Expanse is a sci-fi television series set in a future where humanity has colonized the Solar System. The story begins with Detective Joe Miller (Thomas Jane) investigating a missing…
Virus (1999)
Virus is a science fiction horror film directed by John Bruno. The story follows the crew of a salvage tugboat led by Captain Everton (Donald Sutherland), who discover a seemingly…
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron Man 2 is a superhero film directed by Jon Favreau. The story continues the adventures of Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), who publicly reveals his identity as Iron Man.…
The Sand part 2′
The Sand Part 2 (2025) teaser trailer brings back the terror of the deadly sand, with Nikki Leigh, Cynthia Murell, and Dean Geyer reprising their roles as survivors facing the…
The Dead Land (2024)
The teaser trailer for The Dead Land begins with a hauntingly desolate landscape, portraying a barren, post-apocalyptic world devastated by catastrophe. The camera sweeps across cracked earth, the skeletal remains…
The Polar Express 2’ is expected to hit theaters in 2025
In The Polar Express 2, the story picks up years after the first film, with Hero Boy now a teenager grappling with self-doubt and the challenges of growing up. Struggling…
Elevation (2024)
“Elevation” (2024) is a sci-fi thriller starring Anthony Mackie and Morena Baccarin, set in a near-future world where cutting-edge technology offers a promise of human evolution, but at a devastating…
Fall (2022)
Fall (2022) is a heart-pounding survival thriller directed by Scott Mann, set against the backdrop of a breathtaking yet perilous landscape. The film delves into themes of fear, resilience, and…